Fried Food And Jesus


We each see Jesus through our own unique lens.

Even those who wrote the books of the New Testament saw and experienced him differently.

So why is it modern Christians find it hard to believe that someone’s very different take on Jesus could be just as valid as their own?

Join us as we consider the writer of Hebrews and his/her unique take on Jesus.

And yes, tempura really is fried food.


Today’s Cocktail: Vodka Rose Gimlet

Music Credits

"Jesus Under My Bed" Words & music by Benton Stokes, Belinda Smith & Aaron Smith

"People Change" Words & music by Benton Stokes

Our theme music: “Moving On (Feels Pretty Good)”. Words & music by Benton Stokes & Janine Smith. Available on Grace & Gravity  (CD on; digitally on Amazon and iTunes)

Copyright 2018 Songs From the Basement (BMI).  All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

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