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Why Give To School For Seekers?

We have dedicated our lives to walking with others through the mess and joy of a faith-filled life.

We don’t aim to tell you what you have to believe, or even what you should do.

We help you deconstruct, rebuild, grieve, discover, risk, and enjoy your life.

We follow the Way of Jesus because it works. Jesus’ relationship with God and others is the best model we’ve found for living well.

School For Seekers exists to provide time-tested tools and effective training in the way of Jesus to help you heal, grow, and thrive.


I am the person that I am (and growing into the person I have yet to become) because of the work I’ve done with School For Seekers.

Part self-awareness, part worldview, part religious study, part bartending.

It’s not so much about WHAT I’ve learned as WHO I am through learning it.

We all have questions - about ourselves and each other, about our lives and deaths, about our faith and fears and desires.

School For Seekers won’t give you the answers. They’ll give you a map, a candle, a compass, a first aid kit, and (most importantly) a mirror. They’ll even give you a great cocktail recipe.

The rest is between you and God. 


When you support School For Seekers through your prayers, participation, and financial giving, you are making a way for yourself and others to become the people God intended you to be: joy-filled, strong, and deeply peaceful.

Thank you for being part of School For Seekers.

School For Seekers, Inc. is a Federal 501(c)3 charitable nonprofit, EIN 84-2879416.