Ready to deconstruct, reconstruct, and transform your faith?

Our 4 Core Courses Give You The Power

rethink your faith and restore your spiritual life.

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Step One: Rethink The Big Things

17 embraceable ideas for rethinking your spiritual life

If you’re coming out of a closet—as a misfit Christian, as lgbtq+, as a now-former Evangelical—your old beliefs may not fit your new perspective.

What you believe about God, yourself, and others affects every other thing in your life.

Whether you have run into a wall, or have been hurting for a while, or whether you are just curious about how others can think so differently from you, start from your spiritual life.

Your spiritual life isn’t about where or whether you go to church.

It’s not about how you spend your spare time.

It’s not about the afterlife.

Your spiritual life is not an add-on.

Your spiritual life is your real life. It’s the center of who you are.

Your spiritual life is the set of your consistent, often unconscious, interactions with The Big Things, like the universe, God, yourself, and others

This course unpacks what you really believe, gives you new ideas to try on, provides practices that will help you love yourself, and introduces you to the One who knows you and cherishes you.

Step Two: Discover Your True Nature

The Various Parts of Miraculous You


You are not just a mind, or just a body. You are a miraculous creation with various interdependent parts: body, mind, soul, spirit, will, and environment.

When your various parts are healthy and working in harmony, you experience deep peace, joy, and a centeredness that keeps you stable and secure even when life gets rocky. 

When they aren’t, you suffer.

If you want to stop suffering from dis-integration, you can’t just go to the gym or see a therapist (though we recommend both). You need to care for the various parts of a miraculous you.

In The Various Parts Of A Miraculous You you will:

  • Discover how exquisitely you are formed, and how you are different from a panda and a potato.

  • Identify the Various Parts Of A Miraculous You and how they work together

  • Learn how to care for every part of you (and how to get assistance when you need it).

  • Glimpse the divinity within your humanity, gaining a sense of what kind of being Jesus was…and you are.

Step Three: Learn How To Move Forward

The Wall

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

Death. Loss. Disappointment. Disillusionment. Fear.

All of these (and more) can slam into you, curl you into a little ball, or send you spinning. 

We call it Hitting The Wall Of “WTF?!"

Freeze. Flee. Fight. Fawn. They’re all natural, but they’re not always helpful.

What you do at The Wall determines whether you will continue to grow, deepening your joy, peace, and belonging; or whether you retreat to your old ways of thinking and being that got you to The Wall in the first place.

In this course you discover why you get stuck when things get hard, and learn the way to break through The Wall into light and the path forward.

Step Four: Relearn and Reconstruct

Reading The Bible As If It Matters

If you are emerging from the Evangelical box or seeking a different kind of relationship with God, your old views of the Bible will not help you. You need fresh eyes and new ways of understanding our shared written history as beloved children of The Really Real God.

The Bible is a record of God’s constant outreaching love for people and creation. When you read it soulfully and mindfully, God speaks into your current situation and experience. You gain both a cosmic view of the great mysteries, and a way of entering into the With-God life.

To bring Reading The Bible As If It Matters to your people, contact us.